Caltex Alexandra
50 Centennial Avenue
Get directionsDay | Opening hours |
Monday | 5:30am - 9:30pm |
Tuesday | 5:30am - 9:30pm |
Wednesday | 5:30am - 9:30pm |
Thursday | 5:30am - 9:30pm |
Friday | 5:30am - 9:30pm |
Saturday | 6:00am - 9:30pm |
Sunday | 7:00am - 9:30pm |
- Pumped
- LPG bottle fill
- Restrooms
- LPG 9kg bottle swap
- Café
- Pay-in-app
- Vacuum
- Touchless car wash
- LPG vehicle fill
- Trailer hire
Fuel types
- Regular with Techron
- Premium with Techron
- Diesel with Techron D